Flash produced great results at the OC Grit XC INV @ Central Park in Huntington Beach!
Best Team Performance goes to:
Boys 11-12
Best Individual Performances goes to:
Giannah Johnson-wins the 8U division and sets a new Flash 8U 2k record!
Luis Mateo Reyes-finishes 3rd in the 11-12 division!
Best new comer
Ethan Dong – finishes a great race with a 4th place finish and is showing some great promise for upcoming races!
8U Girls
Giannah J. took the lead from the beginning of the race and never look back winning her first XC race with a 10 seconds lead finish time 8:39. Vivienne T. (10:43) run first race ever and finish 20th of 46 runners.
8U Boys (2nd)
Not to be out performed by his twin sister Cash J. runs a great race finishing in 3rd with a time of 8:29, followed by Landon D. (9:21)10TH, Ezekiel P. (9:36)12th , AJ D.(11:52)45th and Leo S. at 51st(14:53).
9&10 Girls
Alexandra S. race first ever 3k finishing (8th) with a time of 13:27, Tanya G. followed at (20th) 15:45 and Naleah finish with a time of 18:45 (38th).
9&10 Boys
Aston D. was our only member in this division and run a strong race finish 37/46 with a time of 15:59.
11&12 Girls (3rd)
The Fab five perform at a high level and all 5 members finished in top half of the field lead by our 1-2 punch Grace S. finish 2nd (11:46) follow by a break through performance by Julianna L. 3rd (11:53)and our 3rd runner was Kaeyln D. 23rd (13:54) and our much improved 4-5 Nallely N. 32nd (14:56) and Samantha S. 33rd(14:58)
11&12 Boys (2nd)
Best Team race for Flash went to the 11-12 boys led by much improved Luis Mateo R. finishing a hard fought 3rd place (11:19) followed by our tremendous pack Chanse 19th(12:52) Gehrig 22nd(13:00) Bryson 24th(13:04) Caleb 26th(13:11) Jojo 27th(13:13) Alex 35th (14:14) and Roman 37th(14:17)
13&14 Girls (1st)
New distance 4k with rolling hills, Flash run a strong race leading the charge up front were Caitlynn K.4th(16:22) and Maleah J. 6th (16:48) followed by Joy C. 9th (17:25) Avery 12th (17:43) Reese 17th(18:30) Natalia 24th (19:36) and Suzette 32nd (22:18)
13&14 Boys
Ethan D. race a strong race finishing 4th place with a time of 15:31 followed by Hunter 13th(16:36) and David 18th(17:15)